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Powers of Attorney

Having a plan for future situations where you may be unable to make your own decisions. Our services in this field include:


Creating a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA): We can guide you through creating an LPA, a legal document that allows a trusted individual to make decisions on your behalf should you become unable to do so. Once your LPA is created, it must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian. We take care of every step, ensuring your LPA is legally valid and recognised.

Acting as Your Attorney: In certain circumstances, we can act as your attorney, making crucial decisions in your best interest.

Our Expert Team

Your Future, Protected

Don't leave anything to chance when safeguarding your future and ensuring your loved ones are cared for. Our Wills and probate solicitors are here to offer advice, help you navigate complex legal matters and provide reassurance in times of uncertainty. Secure your peace of mind today, and let us help you plan for tomorrow. Contact us now to set up a meeting and learn how our services can benefit you.